Lord Rama Stotra to increase devotion for him

Lord Rama, is the supreme among all Gods.

The paramatman, Shri Bhagvan, the creator and maintainer of all the worlds and the beings in it.

His one remembrance itself frees a sadhak from sins of millions and millions of births.

The kirtan of whose name is like nectar for the sick, dharma for the adharmi, wealth for the poor, happiness for the unhappy, peace for the agony, and the giver of light in darkness.

The one whose naam kirtan makes sins run away, the way a deer runs away at the sight of a hunter.

Today, one such very rare stotra is being shared by me here reciting which a sadhak develops great great bhakti for the Lord.

By reciting this stotra, the Vaishnav sees Lord everywhere and in everyone.

Such a person, stays very near to Lord Rama and Lord Rama stays very near to him.

And even if he may lost in fearful jungles at night, under the fear of lions and other ferocious animals, or if he may be under the fear of snakes, he will find Lord Rama free him from the same very very soon.

By the recitation of this stotra, There shall be peace everywhere with the transcendental grace of The Supreme Lord.

For him, Lord Rama alone with be him mother and he alone will be his father.

He alone will be his brother and his friend.

Lord Rama alone will be his lord and Rama alone will be his giver of wealth.

He will know about no body else except Lord Rama

The sadhak’s sole service will be of help service of the supreme Lord.

He will salute Lord Rama alone and he will forever be in his thoughts and action.

He will always be full of the knowledge of the Supreme Lord and upon closing his eyes and looking, he will only find him.

Lord alone will be his dharma, his karma and the giver of the fruits of his karma.

श्री राम सर्वस्व स्तोत्रम् ।

ॐ रामो माता मत्पितारामचन्द्रो 

भ्रातारामो मत्सखा रामचन्द्रः ।

रामः स्वामी राम एवार्थदाता 

रामादन्यं नैव जाने न जाने ॥ १॥

रामः सेव्यो वन्दनीयोऽपि रामो

 रामोनित्यं मादृशैश्चितनीयः ।

रामो ज्ञानं ध्यानगम्योऽपि रामो 

रामादन्यं नैव जाने न जाने ॥ २॥

रामो भुक्तिर्मुक्तिदाता च

रामो रामोऽस्माकं राजते राजराजः ।

लोकेऽस्माभिर्लोक्यते रामचन्द्रो

 रामादन्यं नैव जाने न जाने ॥ ३॥

रामोधर्मः कर्मरामो मदीयं 

रामोमह्यं कर्मसिद्धिप्रदाता ।

रामोऽजस्रः कर्मसिद्धिस्वरूपी

 रामादन्यं नैव जाने न जाने ॥ ४॥

रामोऽस्माभिः पूजनीयोनितान्तं 

रामोऽस्माभिः प्रत्यहं कीर्तनीयः ।

रामोऽस्माभिर्गोपनीयो गुहान्ते

 रामदन्यं नैव जाने न जाने ॥ ५॥

रामोऽस्माकं दुःखहर्ता त्रिलोक्यां

 रामोऽस्माकं कर्मकर्ता सदैव ।

रामोऽस्माकं कर्मभूतो विभाति 

रामादन्यं नैव जाने न जाने ॥ ६॥

रामोज्ञातिः ख्यातिरप्येव रामो 

रामः कीर्तिः पूर्तिरप्येव रामः ।

सर्वस्वं मे रामचन्द्रोऽवनीन्द्रो

 रामादन्यं नैव जाने न जाने ॥ ७॥

ग्रामेरण्ये जागरे स्वप्नकाले 

मार्गे दुर्गे गच्छतोऽगच्छतो मे ।

शश्वल्लोके रक्षकस्त्वमेव रामो

 रामादन्यं नैव जाने न जाने॥ ८॥

ये वै त्रिसन्ध्यं प्रपठन्ति नित्यं

श्रीरामसर्वस्वमनन्य भक्त्या ।

श्रीरामरामेण कृतं कृतार्थास्तेऽप्यच्युतं

 रामपदं प्रयान्ति ॥ ९॥
इति श्रीराम सर्वस्व स्तोत्रम् सम्पूर्णम् ।

This stotra is for all those who want to do devotional service in the lotus feet of Lord Rama.

By reciting this stotra, the sadhak will develop great bhakti towards Lord Rama and become very near to him.

Jay Shri Rama
Jay Veer Hanuman

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