Can we read Hanuman Chalisa During Periods

There is no specific rule or restriction in Hinduism that prohibits reading the Hanuman Chalisa or any other prayer or scripture during menstruation. However, some people follow certain customs and practices during their menstrual cycle as a matter of personal preference or cultural tradition.

It is important to note that menstruation is a natural bodily process and is not considered impure or unclean in Hinduism. Women are encouraged to practice their faith and perform their daily activities as usual during their periods, with the exception of certain rituals and practices that involve physical contact with deities or holy objects.

Therefore, if you are comfortable reading the Hanuman Chalisa during your menstrual cycle, there is no religious prohibition against doing so. Ultimately, the decision to read the Hanuman Chalisa or any other prayer during periods is a personal choice and should be based on your comfort level and individual beliefs.

I wanted to ask you something. During your period, do you stop eating? Do you stop sleeping ? Do you stop doing your daily activities? Do you stop scrolling social media accounts or stop watching your favorite series?

If in your period, somehow your going through some bad lucks or distress, won’t you invoke god to help you ?

If not, then why would you stop reading hanuman chalisha during menstruation cycle? Even if you treat menustruation cycle as a disease, you must continue your chant just like you do during other illness.

In Hanuman chalisha there’s a doha :

“Jo sat bar path kare kohi, Chhutehi bandhi maha sukh hohi”

If gender is really important then here instead of “Jo” , “Girls or Boys” would be mentioned seperately. And another important thing is that, for bhagbanji body doesn’t count. only soul matters. Even reading hanuman chalisha helps us to conncet spritually . In spritual world, body doesn’t matter. soul matters. And soul doesn’t have any gender. If you are sanatani, you might be knew this already.

Also Read Benefits Of Reading Hanuman Chalisa At Night

Historic reference

There are no specific historic references regarding the recitation of Hanuman Chalisa during menstruation. However, there are some historical accounts that suggest that women in ancient India were not excluded from participating in religious activities during their menstrual cycle.

For example, the ancient Hindu text, the Rigveda, describes women participating in religious ceremonies and offering prayers to the gods during their periods. Similarly, the Mahabharata, another important Hindu scripture, depicts Draupadi, the wife of the Pandavas, participating in religious ceremonies and performing sacrifices during her menstrual cycle.

Furthermore, several Hindu temples, including the Sabarimala Ayyappa Temple in Kerala, India, have recently lifted the ban on women of menstruating age from entering the temple, citing the need to respect women’s rights and gender equality.

Overall, while there may be cultural or traditional practices that restrict women from participating in certain religious activities during their menstrual cycle, there are no specific historic references or religious texts that explicitly prohibit reciting Hanuman Chalisa or any other prayer during this time.

Reference in Ramayana & Mahabharat

There are no specific references in the Ramayana or the Mahabharata regarding the recitation of Hanuman Chalisa during menstruation as this prayer was composed much later in the 16th century by the poet Tulsidas.

However, both the Ramayana and the Mahabharata depict women participating in religious activities during their menstrual cycle. For instance, in the Mahabharata, Draupadi is shown performing yajnas (fire sacrifices) during her periods, and in the Ramayana, Sita, the wife of Lord Rama, is described as observing fasts and performing religious rituals during her menstrual cycle.

These references suggest that women in ancient India were not excluded from participating in religious activities during their periods, and that the practice of excluding women during menstruation may have emerged later as a cultural tradition rather than a religious mandate.

While there may not be any specific references to the recitation of Hanuman Chalisa during menstruation in the Ramayana or the Mahabharata, these ancient texts suggest that women were not excluded from religious activities during their menstrual cycle.

It’s a personal choice to read or not Hanuman Chalisa During Periods

There are no scientific studies or references regarding the recitation of Hanuman Chalisa during menstruation as this is a religious and cultural practice that does not have any direct scientific correlation.

However, it is worth noting that menstruation is a natural biological process that is not associated with any impurity or uncleanliness. There is no scientific evidence to suggest that reciting Hanuman Chalisa or any other prayer during menstruation would have any negative impact on a woman’s health or well-being.

In fact, many studies have shown that practices like meditation and prayer can have positive effects on mental health and emotional well-being, reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. Thus, reciting Hanuman Chalisa during menstruation may provide a sense of calm and comfort during a time when women may experience physical discomfort or emotional stress.

Ultimately, whether or not to recite Hanuman Chalisa during menstruation is a personal choice that should be based on individual beliefs and preferences. There are no scientific reasons to suggest that it would be harmful, and many people find comfort and solace in prayer and devotional practices during difficult times.

Tips on How to Read Hanuman Chalisa in period

If you really want to read hanuman chalisha in your period, yet don’t want to touch the book, you can read it through mobile. or You can easily memorize the doha. It’s not even difficult to memorize, if you daily read it. Don’t read it just to memorize, read it with proper understanding.

And don’t listen to the rubbish, others saying that women shouldn’t pray to a bhramachari. Hanumanji, sees Mother Sita in every women. Just remember, He is Shree Ram Bhakta hanuman, wherever “Ram Nam or Ram katha” pronounced , undoubtedly Bhaktashiromani hanumanji will be present there. If you are sincere bhakta, he would never refuse you. Bhagabanji never refuses us, he accepts us just the way he created us.

Can we read Hanuman Chalisa during periods?

Hanuman Chalisa is a devotional hymn in praise of Lord Hanuman, who is a devotee of Lord Rama and an embodiment of strength, courage and devotion. It was composed by the poet-saint Tulsidas in the 16th century in Awadhi language, a dialect of Hindi. Hanuman Chalisa consists of 40 verses (chaupais) that describe the glory and virtues of Hanuman, and also invoke his blessings and protection.

Many Hindus recite Hanuman Chalisa daily or on Tuesdays and Saturdays, which are considered auspicious days for Hanuman. Some also chant it before undertaking any important task or facing any difficulty. Hanuman Chalisa is believed to have miraculous powers to remove obstacles, grant wishes, cure diseases and ward off evil influences.

However, some people have doubts about whether women can recite Hanuman Chalisa during their menstrual periods. This is because some Hindu traditions consider menstruation as a state of impurity and restrict women from performing certain religious rituals or visiting temples during this time. Some also believe that Hanuman is a brahmachari (celibate) and does not like to be worshipped by women who are bleeding.

There is no clear answer to this question, as different sects and schools of thought may have different opinions and practices. However, some general points can be made:

  1. Hanuman Chalisa is not a scripture or a mandatory ritual, but a personal expression of devotion and faith. Therefore, there is no strict rule or prohibition about who can recite it or when. It depends on one’s own choice and conscience.
  2. Hanuman is not a rigid or orthodox deity, but a compassionate and loving one. He does not discriminate between his devotees based on gender, caste, creed or status. He accepts everyone who sincerely remembers him and seeks his help. He is also known as Sankat Mochan, the remover of troubles, and he does not add to the troubles of his devotees by imposing unnecessary restrictions on them.
  3. Menstruation is not a curse or a sin, but a natural and biological process that every woman goes through. It is not a sign of impurity or weakness, but a source of life and creativity. It should not be seen as a hindrance or a barrier to one’s spiritual growth or connection with God.
  4. Reciting Hanuman Chalisa during periods can be beneficial for women, as it can provide them with strength, courage, confidence and peace of mind. It can also help them overcome any physical or mental discomfort or pain that they may experience during this time. It can also protect them from any negative energies or influences that may affect them more during this vulnerable phase.

Therefore, the decision to read Hanuman Chalisa during periods is up to each individual woman and her personal relationship with Hanuman. She can follow her own intuition and comfort level, without feeling guilty or ashamed. She can also consult her elders, teachers or spiritual guides if she has any doubts or queries. The most important thing is to have faith and devotion in Hanuman and his grace.

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